Monday 21 January 2013

Cocoa Brownies

I would like to start this post with a public service announcement. If you make these brownies you will need to cut yourself a piece to test them out. For scientific purposes of course. Finding that they are delicious you will yourself a real piece this time. Finding this piece also delightful you go for just one more little tiny piece. Stop! put down the brownie! You were about to give yourself the dreaded stomach brick feeling. You know that feeling when you eat too much rich food and it feels like there is a brick sitting at the bottom of your stomach. You have been warned, I ended up in this predicament twice!

As you may have guessed this one is not for the faint of heart when it comes to chocolate and big time desserts; this sucker is dense! The density comes from the fact that there are no chemical leaveners (baking soda, baking powder) at all. The only lift, and a really small amount at that, comes from four lightly beaten eggs. I have not made a ton of brownies in my life but this recipe seemed a little odd compared to what I was expecting. I was thinking it would be a muffin method recipe, where the wet and dry ingredients are mixed separately then combined at the end. The dry ingredients were mixed together separately from the eggs but the butter was added at the end after being melted. This could be more common for brownie recipes then I realize and I have no complaints about the recipe. This was also the first time I have used a scale to measure ingredients by weight instead of volume. I got a fancy scale for Christmas and this was its maiden voyage. Many chefs swear by the scale since it can give a much more accurate measurement then using measuring cups. To be honest I didn't notice much difference besides the fact the I didn't have to convert measurements in ounces to cups, which was very nice.

Overall impression of this recipe was very good. It yields a dense and very chocolately brownie that will sure satisfy any chocolate craving. Milk is highly recommended as an accompaniment, or maybe some vanillin ice cream.

Verdict: Would make again for sure. I would just watch how many I ate!

Recipe: Cocoa Brownies Recipe

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