Friday 14 June 2013


Crepes... well sort of
Crepes, the French classic, is nothing more than a very thin unleavened pancake. Crepes are usually filled with savory or sweet fillings and topped with a sauce of some type. There is a definite technique to crepe making that takes some practice. I had made crepes a couple of times before I was fairly confident with the technique. The recipe and I both agreed on how the crepes were to be constructed, drop a little batter into a greased pan and swirl it off the heat until the bottom of the pan is covered. Then return to the heat for a few seconds and flip. After a few more seconds both sides will be set and the crepe can be removed from the pan. I can just about guarantee that there will be some hiccups along the way. Don't worry they still taste great no matter how ugly they look. Which brings me to my attempt. As you can see my the picture it was not a pretty scene! No matter how much butter I put down I could still not get the crepes to not stick and bunch up. I even switched pans but to no avail. I have never had this problem with crepes before, I don't know if it was the recipe or if I was just having a bad day or what. I followed the recipe to the letter, even using a blender to combine the ingredients (more on this soon). I pretty much just mashed my crepes up with some peanut butter and syrup and went to town. They still tasted great!

Crepe Batter
Now to the blender thing. The recipe calls for the use of a blender because the ingredients can be combined very fast, preventing too much gluten from forming. Gluten is the elasticy protein that gives bread its chew, not what you want in crepes. After blending the batter must sit for an hour or so to allow any air bubbles to escape. Air bubbles in the batter could cause a small amount of lift that would be unwanted for crepes.

I feel a little scatter brained on this post, somewhat like I did while I was making the crepes. I would try this recipe again as well as the other crepe recipes I have used to try to narrow down the cause of the problem.

Verdict: Would try one more time.

Crepe Recipe

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